


Experience ancestral purification with our powdered copal incense, extracted from the sacred resin of copal trees used in Mexican rituals to connect with the divine and cleanse energies. This handmade incense allows a precise control of the quantity, avoiding waste and maximizing its purifying and meditative effect. Ideal for spiritual ceremonies, copal powder elevates the energy of the environment, promotes calmness and helps establish a deep connection during meditation and other sacred rituals.

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El rapé es una medicina a base de tabaco que se combina con otras plantas dando lugar a muchas variedades de rapé. Su presentación es un polvo muy fino y para su uso necesitas de un aplicador o kuripe. Es una medicina muy profunda y poderosa, para meditar es muy bonita. Tiene incontables beneficios.
En este video explicamos como se usa el rapé desde un lugar muy personal. ¡Da clic aquí para ver el video!
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Ancestrina Copal Powder Incense

Discover the purifying power of Ancestrina's powdered copal incense, a sacred and traditional way to connect with the divine and energetically cleanse any space. This incense is carefully prepared from the aromatic resin of the copal tree, known for its deep spiritual significance in Mexican culture, where it has been used in rituals and ceremonies for generations to establish a bridge between the earthly and spiritual worlds.

Powdered copal offers a versatile and economical application, allowing you to control the exact amount needed for your rituals without choking the charcoal or wasting the precious resin. Its dense white smoke rises carrying your intentions and prayers, purifying the environment of negative energies and attracting positive vibrations. In the therapeutic field, copal is valued for its relaxing properties and its ability to improve concentration and meditation, making each session a moment of deep and enriching connection.

In addition to its spiritual uses, powdered copal is ideal for cleansing ceremonies and can be used in art and decoration to create special environments full of spirituality. Its unique, woody and balsamic scent is perfectly suited to enrich your wellness practices and provide a sense of calm and well-being.

Todos nuestros rapés se obtienen directamente de los pueblos indígenas.
Apoyamos las comunidades por lo que se preparan con amor, intencionadamente con la sabiduría y los rezos de sus mayores.
Todos los productos se venden solo como muestras botánicas sin reclamos expresos o implícitos para un propósito o uso específico.
Toda la información proporcionada es solo para fines de investigación educativa, científica, etnográfica e histórica.


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