


Discover the transformative power of Mulungu Rapé, our sacred elixir for emotional balance and mental well-being. This traditional Brazilian plant is known for its ability to go deep into the roots of sadness and discouragement, offering not only relief, but a deep understanding of the emotions that affect us. Ideal for those seeking to restore inner harmony and foster genuine emotional recovery. Immerse yourself in healing and discover tranquility with our Mulungu Rapé.

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El rapé es una medicina a base de tabaco que se combina con otras plantas dando lugar a muchas variedades de rapé. Su presentación es un polvo muy fino y para su uso necesitas de un aplicador o kuripe. Es una medicina muy profunda y poderosa, para meditar es muy bonita. Tiene incontables beneficios.
En este video explicamos como se usa el rapé desde un lugar muy personal. ¡Da clic aquí para ver el video!
Aprende los diferentes tipos de soplo ¡Da clic aquí para ver el video! y encuentra el que mejor se adapte a ti, en nuestra experiencia cada rapé se adapta a ti y a un soplo diferente.
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Mulungu rapé to overcome Depression and to have an emotional Balance

Discover the healing power of Rapé Mulungu, a plant revered in traditional Brazilian medicine for its remarkable impact on emotional health and mental well-being. This rapé is especially valued for its ability to harmonize the sacral chakra and solar plexus, energy centers essential for emotional stability and self-confidence.

Mulungu Rapé does not only seek to alleviate temporary symptoms; its focus is to get to the root of deep and disturbing emotions. By interacting with mood-related neurotransmitters such as serotonin, this rapé helps restore emotional balance and promote a sense of inner peace.

Therapeutic Properties of Mulungu Rapé:

  • Natural Antidepressant: Helps to increase serotonin levels, improving mood and fighting depression.
  • Emotional Stabilizer: By unblocking and balancing the sacral chakra and solar plexus, it improves self-esteem and reduces discouragement.

Ideal For:

  • People Experiencing Dejection or Deep Sadness: Ideal for those seeking a natural and profound way to understand and treat the underlying causes of their emotional distress.
  • Individuals in Search of Emotional Balance: Excellent for people who feel emotionally unbalanced and seek greater stability and inner peace.

Mulungu Rapé is more than a simple treatment; it is a meditation tool that invites you to explore and resolve the depths of your emotions to avoid future falls into states of sadness or depression. By integrating this rapé into your wellness practice, you embark on a transformative journey towards deeper and lasting emotional healing.

Todos nuestros rapés se obtienen directamente de los pueblos indígenas.
Apoyamos las comunidades por lo que se preparan con amor, intencionadamente con la sabiduría y los rezos de sus mayores.
Todos los productos se venden solo como muestras botánicas sin reclamos expresos o implícitos para un propósito o uso específico.
Toda la información proporcionada es solo para fines de investigación educativa, científica, etnográfica e histórica.
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