What is rapé?
What is rapé? Where does the rapé come from? Rapé is a sacred medicine used over thousands of years by different tribes that populate the Amazon. It is
What is rapé? Where does the rapé come from? Rapé is a sacred medicine used over thousands of years by different tribes that populate the Amazon. It is
How is Rapé made? The Tobacco that the Amazon tribes use to make Rapé is grown by themselves and it is free of harmful additives, pesticides and fertilizers.
How does rapé intervene in my daily life? Part 1 We have talked a lot about rapé lately ( What is rapé? ), and surely by researching you
How does rapé intervene in my daily life? Part 2 It was then that life called me to attention, one of those things that make everything we think
A People with Deep Roots The Apurinã, who self-identify as “Popũkare”, are an indigenous tribe of the Maipure-Aruak language family, located along the banks of the Purus River
My relationship with Rapé came gradually, it was not love at first sight, although it has been for many others. I knew it through ceremonies, but I began to really understand it when one day, in Mexico, they applied a Rapé called Pariká to me and I felt a very special connection with its energy.