


Helps you through the grieving process

Death is part of the experience of being alive. For that reason, it is important that you can include transformation as a vital part of your life experiences. But what happens when you resist losses, detachment and the need to transform aspects or stages of your life? You can get attached to emotions like anger, sadness, and depression so you don't go through the grieving process in a healthy way.

( Rape Cielo )


  • You have had material losses that have been difficult for you to assimilate……………………………. …………..Cacto
  • You have completed a love relationship, friendship or family……………………………. ………….Cacto
  • You are facing the physical loss of a person who is important to you……………….Cacto
  • Have you had a painful argument with someone you love? ……..Cacto
  • You are going through a move or a change of territory that mobilizes your bases……….Cacto
  • You recognize that you are leaving behind a stage of your life……………………………………… ……………….Cacto

The Cacto will help you go through the grieving process from a healthy point of view, preventing you from becoming attached to unpleasant emotions, recognizing your loss and still being able to see ahead, and allowing you to go through the necessary emotions to comply with your grieving process.

( Rapé Huasca )

As you already know, Rapé acts directly on our energy centers or chakras. Our Cacto generates health and subtle balance on the Anahata Chakra, which is also recognized as the energy center that is located above our heart.

( Rapé Pixuri )

Anahata It is a chakra that is mobilized by the water element, cleaning the emotional field of our body and psyche. . Therefore, this rapé will help you to clear your emotional body to go through a duel, a breakup and to know how to accompany yourself in painful moments.


How does a balanced fourth chakra manifest?

  • Empathy
  • Compassion
  • Ability to forgive
  • There are no unhealthy attachments
  • To love unconditionally, without pretense, without expecting anything in return
  • Emotional balance
  • You want to help or teach other people.

How does an unbalanced fourth chakra manifest?

  • Making the problems of others your own or worrying excessively about them.
  • Put our needs aside to attend to others.
  • Give without receiving.
  • Receive without giving.
  • Lack of empathy.
  • Be in control of your partner.
  • Irrational fears
  • Feeling of loneliness, sadness and melancholy.

If you want to know more about Rapé Cactus, contact us on our social networks as @ancestrina , visit our YouTube Channel or write us in the comments to receive more information about the path of medicine. We know that RAPÉ CHANGES LIVES and we would love for you to be part of this community that expands consciousness through ancestral medicines.

Similarly, if this rapé was part of your journey, please share your experiences of healing and change with us in the comments below . We believe in the stories of transformation that this loving ancestral medicine has spun and we are convinced that it can help many to return to their essence, return to the present moment and live a life full of well-being and purpose.

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