

Rapé Ceremony

From the bowels of the Amazon jungle comes a medicine for the physical and spiritual body with powerful psychoactive or stimulant properties, which has been used since ancient times by tribes in the Amazon basin. The Rapé ceremony is used in prayer meetings to invoke the wisdom of nature for healing purposes and to receive the blessings of the jungle.


Its main ingredient is the rustic Nicotiana, and it is considered a sacred substance arising from the fine mixture of ancient powders based on tobacco and other power plants and minerals from ancient Amazonian tribes, which is usually applied roasted on the coals or in ashes, and usually flavored for nasal consumption. Some preparations include power plants such as Mocambo, Chacruna, Virola, among others.


What does the sacred Rapé ceremony consist of?

In traditional shamanic practice, the person who projects the medicine is an experienced Master Guide of the tribe, capable of accompanying you in this process and reconnecting you with your vital healing energy. That is why it plays a significant role in this ceremony. But it is important that you know that you can also do it alone


The ritual begins with a presentation by the Master Guide in which prayers are made to the air element, and our purposes are raised, while the Palo santo is passed for our energetic cleaning, accompanied by incense sticks with incense and chants. Rapé powder is blown into the nasal cavities through a ceremonial tube made of bamboo bone, called a tepi. Start with a pea-sized amount placed on the end of your nose. It is recommended to start with this amount and little by little, as you experiment, you will know if the dose can be shorter or more intense.


The first breath in ceremony

From the first breath you will feel connection with your physical body. The medicine goes through your body activating your energy field and unblocking your paths.

Second puff of Rapé

It is of medium intensity and you begin to connect with joy, as the Huni Kuin brothers call this process. You tune into the earth, you feel the power and message of the forest through Grandfather.

Third breath in Rapé ceremony

It is the direct connection with the Spirit Guides. You enter a state of meditation and deep contemplation. The cleaning of the astral body begins, and the physical, spiritual and emotional vision medicine.


At the end of this experience, the ceremony is described as a cleansing medicine to clear bad energies, to focus and sharpen the mind, cleanse your energy field, as well as for the treatment of various diseases of the respiratory tract, very strong headaches, among others. other purposes.

It is important that you know that although this is the traditional ritual, the ceremony can be modified by the one who shares the medicine or by the person who is using it. solo through an auto-projector or kuripe. At Ancestrina we believe that following the voice of intuition in the creation of the ritual is important, since it must be a living process and adapted to your needs.

If you want to know more about rapé as an ancestral medicine, contact us on our social networks as @ancestrina , visit our YouTube Channel or write us in the comments to receive more information about the path of this sacred medicine. We know that RAPÉ CHANGES LIVES and we would love for you to be part of this community that expands consciousness through ancestral medicines.

Similarly, if any of our rapés were part of your path, share with us your experiences of healing and change in the comments. We believe in the stories of transformation that this loving ancestral medicine has spun and we are convinced that it can help many to return to their essence, return to the present moment and live a life full of well-being and purpose.

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