
Three effective techniques to manage your anxiety

Three effective techniques to manage your anxiety

The anxiety It has become a complex problem that you must face day after day, often being annoying, threatening and even paralyzing. The best thing would be not to suffer from it and thus you would not be subjected to the constant anxiety that something is wrong, even if it is not. If at this time you have had one or more episodes of anxiety and you do not know how to deal with this situation, Ancestrina brings you this article that will be very helpful.

Today you will learn to have more control of your body and your mind through practices that will help you gain confidence and self-control. Remember that everything requires a degree of discipline, patience and habits that add to your life, and of course, that do not make you back down or get lost along the way. Anxiety is typically expressed in three ways: cognitive-emotional, physiological, and behavioral. So, each practice that we will mention will correspond to each of these areas in order to improve your health and well-being.

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Technique 1: Cognitive restructuring

This technique is responsible for identifying and correcting intrusive thought patterns , that is to say, those repetitive thoughts that soon turn into obsessions. Even if you want to avoid them because of their uselessness, they will return to your mind over and over again, disturbing your calm and making it difficult for you to concentrate.

With the cognitive restructuring technique you will detect the thoughts that at a certain moment cause you anguish. Once you filter it through a personal analysis, you will question whether what you think is real or part of an interpretation. If what you believe is not true, then you can modify this thought for a more realistic one.

In this way, you will learn to be more objective and specific when interpreting the situations that you experience daily. AND It is important that you know that your thoughts have a great impact on how you perceive your reality. That is why with this practice, although it requires energy and effort, you will be able to carve out a path of fullness and temperance for your emotional health.

Technique 2: Mindfulness

It is a relaxation practice where you will learn to have full attention about your emotions in order to decrease your anxiety. It is a process that requires commitment and perseverance to regulate your attention and thus remain genuinely calm without compulsive reactions.

The mindfulness seek full attention to the present moment ; It consists in recognizing what thoughts are weighing you down, accepting it without judgment and questioning your usual way of thinking. The goal is that you can observe your thoughts from a more objective perspective, without the intention of immersing yourself in them.

This technique allows you to learn to deal with the impulse to follow models that do not do you good, creating a space between thought and action in the long term with the purpose of increasing your ability to be in this space and in this moment. That is, living in the here and now connecting with the present, and of course, with your inner being .

( Anxiety and Snuff )

Technique 3: Exposure Therapy

This technique of psychotherapy allows you to find new ways to manage fear and anxiety. Prepares you to face situations instead of avoiding them . It is an ideal practice to break the relationship between anxiety and the situations that generate it. Its objective is that you can deal with certain situations in a deliberate and systematic way.

The effectiveness of exposure is based on teaching you not to escape from feared sensations that are not a real threat, but that lead you to experience symptoms caused by anxiety. Exposure therapy invites you to be aware of your feelings and thoughts, strengthening your decision making and responding to your fears in more appropriate ways.

At Ancestrina, we take advantage of the benefits of prayed and organic tobacco to return to the present moment. Its properties help calm thoughts, being a very useful tool to cultivate full attention and mindfulness. If you want to know more, write us in our social networks or download our e-book MEDITATE WITH RAPE for free by doing click here .

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