
How does rapé intervene in my daily life? Part 2

How does rapé intervene in my daily life? Part 2

It was then that life called me to attention, one of those things that make everything we think we have built collapse. This collapse led me to find a person, a great friend who guided me to start this wonderful journey self work. I found people who, like me, wanted to change their lives, who were willing to plunge into the depths of their wounds, with many desires to heal, I met first-hand testimonies of people who had literally changed their lives, putting their minds, thoughts and emotions in order and changing their own reality of what they were living. I've been walking this self knowledge path for some time now, a path of finding myself again, years receiving workshops, training, trips, retreats, sacred medicines have pass; I have found wonderful tools one of them to which I have a lot of gratitude and respect, love and desire to serve is rapé, this tool that makes me enter myself, delve deeper, meditate, feel, heal, dive into my soul, in such a subtle and loving way.

( Myths and beliefs that distance us from the experience )

It's like the support of my process

The getting to know each other is something that takes a long time , we must go to places that we intend to forget, unearth old wounds, understand why we act, where our character is sustained, where are those limiting beliefs, those ideas that we feel as absolute truths, those family loyalties, those established judgments, it is a continually discovering ourselves , and rapé accompanies me in this process.

( Rapé changes lives )

And do you know what I got out of that?

I was able to take certain steps in my life that I would not have been able to take otherwise. Why not? Because of fear. I was afraid of what other would say, of my family, my environment, of responsibilities, accusations, of disappointing all those ideas that I had built as my truth, I was scared of throwing myself into the void, of dropping those labels that throughout my life made me be who I was. But my personal process and re-discovering me, have been dismantling all those fears , little by little, helping me feel more and more free. I discovered that as I understand that what surrounds me is nothing more than ideas, mental constructs that if I put my mind to it, I can change them to ones that are more appropriate to my current moment of life and that they are not static truths but life in motion. I only hope that the attitude of an apprentice accompanies me, that I continue to see life as a constant flow, where I understand that neither problems or sorrows are eternal, and that the same happens to joy. everything happens I just want to allow myself to enjoy the present moment. This re-discovering ourselves helps us to build up the ideal person in whom we wish to transform ourselves. It accompanies us to discover that what we are experiencing does not have to be the only option and that we can become who we truly are.

( Rapé a tool for self-knowledge )

Let's use a small part of our daily life to do what really matters.

Many people still focus on changing their lives by striving to change what surrounds them, their environment, society, on changing what is external to them; they focus on what is “wrong” in others, and that is the first step towards failure and frustration.

The real change is in us, let's forget about changing the exterior, let's forget about the form and go deep inside. Introspection can seem difficult, sometimes painful, uncomfortable, unpleasant. But if we have the courage, if we are brave we can appreciate the results very quickly. This is more or less what happened to me.

(If you still don't know the benefits of Rapé… We tell you three benefits for your mental health)

At first I was doubtful, skeptic and afraid until little by little I was thrown into the void.

And that generated many changes in me, the seeds were planted, so that little by little they could grow. The small achievements that I could observe kept me going. Now I feel able to observe my emotions and my thoughts. I am building myself, and de-constructing myself at every moment, constantly learning, enjoying, with the ability to navigate the ups and downs, flowing . They still look at me like a freak. I still have friends from school, who look at me with judgment, who do not believe in what I do and see me as some type of crazy hippie, who believe that sooner or later I will return to my old life, to fit into the system, working and saving waiting for old age, moving by what others say, the thing that influences people so much. Yet, after so many years, here I continue, growing more than ever, feeling happier and calmer than ever and enriching my life with each passing day. My lifestyle went form being that of a crazy maniac and control freak, who could not stop arguing every time he drove, screaming and swearing constantly, to that of a free person, free from these explosions (there are still things that trigger me, but they are less and less), a calm, calm, happy person, with the ability to love and receive love, enjoying my children and they enjoying their father. Before, I felt that the right to be alive was earned by fighting, that the world was against me and I was against it, I was waiting to see who would win. Now, I can say that there is no fight, that I am what I am thanks to what I have lived, I can look at my parents in gratitude for the greatest gift of all, being alive.

(Would you dare to live a rapé ceremony? We tell you what it is)

“I don't believe in that” “That doesn't go with me” “That's bad”

Have you tried it and put it into practice to judge what I am showing you? with reliable sources and without being influenced by prejudices that have been imposed on you? that do not even belong to you? Are you so happy where you are that you don't want to let go of taboos and beliefs that prevent you from even trying something new? Have you taken the trouble to open your mind and investigate, not with a slanted gaze but with a willing heart?

( Does rapé have side effects? )

Do we want to change?

Well, rapé can help. It is a self-knowledge tool, for introspection and re-descovering, to heal old wounds and remove veils that prevent us from seeing clearly. Because that's the way things work. The reality that we are living is nothing more than the result of our personal story , we live tied to wounds that generate resentments, to faults, judgments, conditions, frustrations, expectations, to a number of things that do not even belong to us. Letting go is the solution, the remedy, but we have the belief that it has cost us so much, it has hurt us so much. We are so identified with our story that if we let go of who we are, if we free ourselves, what do we have left?

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