RAPÉ PARIKA CONNECTION WITH THE EVERYTHING Parika To have transcendental meditations As you walk the path of life, you have surely had the feeling of being at a
RAPÉ PARIKA CONNECTION WITH THE EVERYTHING Parika To have transcendental meditations As you walk the path of life, you have surely had the feeling of being at a
RAPÉ OSHA THE FORCE OF THE BEAR Osha To gain self-confidence Going through life’s challenges requires us to feel capable and to have confidence in ourselves. If for
RAPÉ MURICI For a full sexuality You are a sexual being because you come from the union of energies that give rise to creation. And if you see
RAPÉ AROEIRA to stop procrastinating When procrastination becomes the enemy of your goals, you can feel like you have no direction. No matter how hard you try to
rapé samauma to be more empathetic Being in relationship with others invites us to be empathetic. When we are children, parents, spouses, friends, students or teachers, we are
RAPÉ CACAU To recover the joy of being alive The fact of being alive is linked to the natural enjoyment of existence. When we open our hearts, we
RAPÉ ALFAVACA To stop attracting negative realities Has it happened to you that for periods of your life you tend to attract negative realities and feel that you
RAPÉ AS ANCESTRAL MEDICINE Rapé is considered a powerful medicine in all Amazonian worldviews, it is attributed the power of the grandfather counselor, the loving and wise grandfather
RAPÉ AND ITS USE ALONE Many myths and orthodox traditions can be hidden behind an ancestral medicine like rapé… And it is not for less. Its use, which
RAPÉ AND MEDITATIVE PRACTICES Rapé, as ancestral medicine, is a tool to be able to be in the here and now. One of its great benefits is that