
What is rapé?

Where does the rapé come from?

Rapé is a sacred medicine used over thousands of years by different tribes that populate the Amazon. It is a great tool to calm the mind, connect with the essence of the universe and the depths of your heart. Rapé is composed mainly of finely crushed tobacco, minerals (usually shell lime), ashes from ceremonial fire, and other sacred plants that mixed together form something that I call magic. It is a subtle alchemy, which makes the mixture of certain ingredients something powerful and sacred. The result is a very fine powder, sometimes aromatic, in which the energies and spirits of the plants can be perceived. Each “recipe” is prepared with different ingredients and in different ways, but in general its base is tobacco.

tabaco rapé plantas milenarias

With a few exceptions, tobacco is always present and is in charge of balancing, integrating and ordering the other plants and, direct them with a specific purpose. For this reason, sacred medicine ceremonies such as ayahuasca, san pedro, holy children, bufo alvarius, among others, usually use rapé at the beginning of the ceremony, to open the way and prepare the ground. Knowing the stigmatization that tobacco has today, let's talk a little about it, so that we have a better understanding of its use in that context.

( Benefits of rapé )

Tobacco, a master plant, sacred for its benefits

The tobacco plant is native to America and it was known to humans more than ten thousand years ago as a sacred plant. Therefore, it is very important to respect it, and use it with great responsibility and love. Its properties help calm thoughts and focus on the present moment and ourselves, that's why it is a very useful tool for meditation. Knowing it and using are the previous steps to prepare oneself to be able to listen to the guide spirits, the spirits of nature and the beings that inhabit other dimensions or planes of consciousness. This happens thanks to its application, it caresses the pineal gland, producing a decalcifying effect on it , which helps us develop intuition and perceive subtle things.

soplo largo paré

The tobacco plant

Tobacco is a plant of the Solanaceae family. There are many varieties of tobacco, but today only two are widely used: Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana Rústica. Nicotiana tabacum, is the species used by the tobacco industry, which chose it for commercial reasons, because being softer it allows consumers to smoke more and at a faster rate. Additionally, this plant has undergone countless genetic alterations to make it more addictive. Nicotiana rustica, is the variety of tobacco used by the tribes of the Amazon, and it's a much stronger and potent variety. I would like to clarify that for me, is not that one variety is good and the other one bad; plants are not to blame for anything, it is society's abuse of them what makes their effects harmful.

Properties of the tobacco plant

In all its forms tobacco can be used as an excellent fumigator, both in our body, animals, plants and in all kinds of objects or spaces. In addition, it is excellent healing wounds. Each plant manifests the energy of one of the four elements (Earth, Water, Air and Fire). Each plant stimulates the physical and psychic functions corresponding in us to the referred element. Certain plants express various elements and tobacco is linked to the 4 elements of nature, this is why it is considered a “universal plant”. This characteristic of tobacco allows it to be combined with any other plant without any opposition of elements: Tobacco acts by invigorating or enhancing the effect of the plant with which it is associated.

rapé tipo alfavaca tabaco plantas milenarias

Rainforest rapé a tool for self-knowledge. Now that we know a little more about tobacco, perhaps we will be able to broaden our mind a bit and give it the opportunity, even if it is to research it, before sentencing it. Let us always remember that rapé is not recreational; it is a serious medicine that requires devotion and respect so this sacred tool can work more efficiently, refining body, mind and spirit. Its conscious use allows Total relaxation , quiets thought and allows us a deep state of concentration, firmness and clarity to be present in the here and now.

( How to make Rapé )

If this information is of value to you and you want to have a new experience and know first hand the benefits of rapé, we can provide you with detailed advice on the matter, as well as information and guidance. We are here to support you, accompany you and share our story , knows the different rapés that we have available at this time.

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