

To enhance intuition

Intuition is said to be the intelligence of the body. Many times you do not understand why you feel that one path is more assertive than the other, or because your body manifests a reaction that your mind cannot yet perceive, but there it is … Inside you. It guides you, favors you and is your best teacher. It is that inner teacher that you must listen to to be aligned with life and walk your path of inner and outer evolution.

( Rapé Alfavaca )

But it may happen that, for a long time, you have not been able to hear your own voice. It becomes difficult to discern which path is best for you, or you have the feeling that you are without a compass on a thick and confusing mountain. You have a hard time believing in your own spiritual dimension, you do not yearn for more than goals in the material world and you usually feel without a person or figure to show you the way back to you.

( Rapé Cacto )


  • You don't usually remember your dreams………………………………………….. ……………………………….Artemisa
  • It is difficult for you to contact your inner wisdom…………………………………………… ……………Artemisa
  • You can't tell what works for you and what doesn't. …….Artemisa
  • You do not contact your own spirituality……………………………………………. ………………..Artemisa
  • It is difficult for you to recognize the perfect synchrony of life. Artemisa

The Rapé Artemisa will help you refine the antenna of your intuition . If you want to connect with the voice of your intuition and enhance the magic that is within you, it will be a great companion in the search for your own spiritual power. Made with ashes of Artemis, this rapé will guide your way to the witch or witch within you to transform reality and connect with the divine.

( Rapé Samsara )

Artemisa is known as the “mother of all herbs” , as it is the sovereign plant in the world of magic and esotericism. Among the esoteric properties, protection against black magic and the connection with your inner mastery stand out. This herb is named after the Greek goddess Artemis, who was the protector of women, especially mothers.

If you want to practice clairvoyance or telepathy, Rapé Artemisa will help you visualize the invisible and contact the unknown from love and wisdom. Acting on your sixth chakra, it will open your third eye to increase your ability to see, look deeply and measure the subtle universes. It will also train your ability to maintain lucid dreams and communication channels with the spiritual world.

( What are energy centers or chakras ? )

How does an unbalanced sixth chakra manifest?

  • You do not listen to your intuition or you are totally disconnected from it.
  • It is very difficult to project and visualize yourself.
  • Spiritual topics not only don't appeal to you, you don't like them.
  • You are confused. You do not see your ideas clearly so they have no outlet on the material plane and it becomes frustration.
  • You do not have the ability to see beyond your problems, and also, you do not find the solution.
  • You are completely identified with your mind.

How does a balanced sixth chakra manifest?

  • Your intuition and you are one. You listen to her perfectly, she speaks to you clearly and directly.
  • You can direct your mind and manage your thoughts.
  • You have developed your psycho-perception. You can see, feel things and anticipate.
  • You feel connected to everything.
  • Artistic creativity flows naturally.
  • You have the ability to see clearly (without identifying yourself through the past, present, and future).

If you want to know more about Rapé Artemisa, contact us on our social networks as @ancestrina , visit our YouTube Channel or write us in the comments to receive more information about the path of medicine. We know that RAPÉ CHANGES LIVES and we would love for you to be part of this community that expands consciousness through ancestral medicines.

Similarly, if this rapé was part of your journey, please share your experiences of healing and change with us in the comments below . We believe in the stories of transformation that this loving ancestral medicine has spun and we are convinced that it can help many to return to their essence, return to the present moment and live a life full of well-being and purpose.

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