
The five benefits of practicing Mindfulness

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The five benefits of practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness It is based on meditation, it is a fairly broad and heterogeneous practice with favorable results for our emotional and physical health, since it gives us serenity and calm from its first application, establishing a path where we are able to find the essence of what who we are and be fully in the present, in the here and now. In addition, it helps our brain to restructure itself and form new neural links, replacing habits that we have been building over time, with healthier, more real ones that are aware of everything that happens to us, in order to find inner peace and develop a pleasant life.

( Mindfulness as a lifestyle )

One of the key objectives of Mindfulness is the practice of full awareness, which is about maintaining attention at every moment to clarify our thoughts and emotions. In this way, brain regulation benefits, it even has a physiological and psychological influence on sensations related to well-being. We must train our mind to obtain personal pleasure, the joy of living, as well as self-esteem and love towards others. It is vital that we learn to manage emotions, thoughts and attitudes in order to better face situations that arise in life. For this reason, at Ancestrina we will tell you five benefits that you can obtain by implementing Mindfulness in your daily life.

( Discover the pillars of mindfulness, the practice of full attention )

Better control of stress and anxiety

This practice helps our body to relax, even lowering blood pressure and heart rate that tend to intensify due to stress. Being consistent and applying Mindfulness in daily life will relieve emotional burdens. Our brain deserves better emotional balance and rest so that stress and anxiety are not a strength in our lives, but episodes capable of being controlled.

Greater acceptance and compassion of the Self

When we accept ourselves as we are, and observe our behaviors from a more compassionate perspective, we will learn to relate to events in a non-judgmental way. Compassion is key in this practice, as it reduces the impact of negative things that happen to us. It is not about forgetting the negative emotions that certain events can cause us, but about reducing their intensity.

We think more clearly

With this technique we will have better emotional clarity. Mindfulness teaches us not to get lost in so many thoughts, but to focus on what we are experiencing, in the moment, in the present. This gives us time to pause, reflect and assess the situation.

stimulates creativity

Getting rid of feelings that cause us stress or fear calms our mind, and a calm mind has more opportunity to generate new ideas. This practice helps to focus and enhance creative thinking to the point of having a better processing of concepts and information.

Fight sleep disorders

With Mindfulness it is possible to bring your body to a state of relaxation, through methods that remove everything that may be disturbing your mental health. This is reflected in a lower level of cortical activation that leads to a favorable state to promote sleep. Meditation improves sleep quality even in people with sleep disorders. Mindfulness benefits us substantially in reversing the symptoms caused by insomnia and having an optimistic attitude in the face of adversity.

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