
Power Animal: Dragon

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Power Animal: Dragon

The Dragon is shrouded in mystique and bound by the many legends and folklore that surround its history. This powerful and fascinating creature has been the inspiration for countless books, poems, art, movies, and other expressive media. The Dragon has been highly respected in many cultures and is either honored or greatly feared.

Power Dragons

Dragons have many names, characteristics, personalities, and abilities. According to Celtic tradition, each type of dragon power animal has its own symbolism.

Fire Dragon

The Fire Dragon represents transmutation, energy and mastery. As your power animal, it lends you enthusiasm, courage, vitality. Your inner fires will light up. He will help you manage and overcome obstacles. He is a strong protector and will offer you leadership and dominance. He will help you by giving you greater strength as you reach your goals.

air dragon

The Air Dragon carries insight, inspiration and vitality. Treat this power animal with the utmost respect. Great flashes of illumination in the psyche and intellect are one of the many possibilities that this spirit guide offers. The Air Dragon will guide you through your problems offering insight and clarity. It is a reminder to trust your inner voice.

earth dragon

The Earth Dragon carries power, riches and potential. He will guide you and show you your potential and riches. He will help you discover what you are capable of. With the help of the Earth Dragon, you will learn the beauty and power within you. He offers you the opportunity to ground your scattered energy.

Water dragon

The Water Dragon represents connection, depth and passion. He brings back memories and wishes that you may have long forgotten. He gives you the opportunity to reconcile with painful experiences of the past, transforming them into peace, balance and harmony. Emotional healing is possible at this time. The Dragon offers you courage and compassion to meet your challenges successfully.

Ways to improve your connection with your power dragon

  • Meditation
  • Collect images that resonate with you. When you feel the time is right to communicate with your totem animal, pull out the images and contemplate with them.
  • Another way to communicate with your guide is by drawing. Ask him to reveal himself through the drawing process.
  • Start a journal to collect your thoughts, feelings, images, drawings, and other information you find related to your guide.
  • Read more about dragons, but don’t limit yourself to what is written. The bond between the two of you will create the perfect understanding.

The meaning of dragons in your dreams

When a dragon visits your dreams, it is a reminder of your strong will and fiery personality. He reminds you of your passion but asks you to be cautious lest your passion get you into trouble. Remember to practice self-control. According to Eastern cultures, dragons are spiritual creatures that symbolize good luck and fortune.

If the dragon breathes fire, this suggests that you are using your anger to get your way. Sometimes it is a representation of an emotional pattern, be it a fiery temper or sexual passion.

The Dragon is often seen as the guardian of the treasure. You must overcome your struggles and fears to reach your true self, and the dragon is here to help you find what you are looking for.

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